Legitimate and Fair Adaptation and Climate Cooperation
Dellmuth, L., Climate adaptation and its role in climate policy. In Fiorino, D, Eisenstadt, T., & Ahluwalia, M.K. (eds.) Elgar Encyclopedia of Climate Policy (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar), forthcoming.
Dellmuth, L., Gustafsson, M.-T., Legitimacy in the trans-scalar governance of climate adaptation. npj Climate Action, 2:2 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s44168-023-00036-7.
Dellmuth, L., Shyrokykh, K., Climate change on Twitter: Implications for climate governance research. WIREs Climate Change, e848 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1002/wcc.848.
Gustafsson, M.-T., Dellmuth, L., The Moral Foundations of Private Adaptation. Evidence from the Mining Sector. Cambridge University Press (Elements Series on "Organizational Responses to Climate Change: Business, Governments, and Nonprofits'', forthcoming).
Shyrokykh, K., Dellmuth, L., Funk, E., Managing networks: Cohesion and fluidity in EU climate cooperation with European neighbours, European Union Politics, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/14651165231152836.
Gustafsson, M.-T., Rodríguez, J.E., Dellmuth, L., “Private adaptation to climate risks: Evidence from the world’s largest mining companies”, Climate Risk Management, 35 (2022), 100386.
Gustafsson, M.-T., Schilling-Vacaflor, A. "Indigenous Peoples and multiscalar environmental governance: The opening and closure of participatory spaces", Global Environmental Politics 22:2 (2022), pp. 70-94.
Shyrokykh, K. "Help your neighbor, help yourself:The drivers of European Union’s climate cooperation in trans-governmental networks with its neighbors”, Governance, 35:4 (2022), pp. 1095-1118.
Shyrokykh, K. "Why climate? The drivers of the European Union’s climate governance in its post-Communist neighbourhood", Problems of Post-Communism, 49:4-5 (2022), pp. 358-368.
Strindevall, I., Gustafsson, M-T., Dellmuth, L. (2022). "Climate risks and community resilience in the mining sector". Policy Report for Mistra Geopolitics. https://www.mistra-geopolitics.se/publications/climate-risks-and-community-resilience-in-the-mining-sector/
Dellmuth, L., Bender, F.A.M., Jönsson, A.R., Rosvold, E.L., von Uexkull, N. (2021) “Humanitarian Need Drives Multilateral Disaster Aid”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A., 118(4), e2018293118.
Dellmuth, L., Gustafsson, M.-T., “Global Adaptation Governance: How Intergovernmental Organizations Mainstream Climate Change Adaptation”, Climate Policy, 21:7 (2021), pp. 868-883.
Kural, E., Dellmuth, L., Gustafsson, M.-T., (2021) “International organizations and climate change adaptation: A new dataset for the social scientific study of adaptation, 1990–2017”, PLoS ONE, 16(9): e0257101.
Rosvold, E.L., Buhaug, H. “GDIS, a global dataset of geocoded disaster locations”, Scientific Data, 8:61 (2021).
Bößner, S., Suljada, T., Johnson, F.X., Bruno, A., Rodriguez Morales, J.E., Hu, M., Bhamidipati, P.L. and Haselip, J., "Policy transfer processes and renewable energy penetration: a comparative analysis of Peru, Thailand, and Uganda", Sustainable Earth, 3:1 (2020). doi:https://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s42055-019-0019-4.
Dellmuth, L., Gustafsson, M.-T., Kural, E., "Global adaptation governance: Explaining the governance responses of international organizations to new issue linkages", Environmental Science & Policy, 114 (2020), pp. 204-215.
Dellmuth, L., Schlipphak, B., “Legitimacy beliefs towards global governance institutions: A research agenda”, Journal of European Public Policy, 27:6 (2020), pp. 931-943.
Dellmuth, L., Tallberg, J., “Why national and international legitimacy beliefs are linked: Social trust as an antecedent factor”, Review of International Organizations, 15 (2020), pp. 311–337.
Zhou, J., Dellmuth, L., Adams, K.M., Neset, T.-S., von Uexkull, N., "The geopolitics of food security: Barriers to the Sustainable Development Goal of Zero Hunger", SIPRI Insights on Peace & Security, 11 (2020).
Dellmuth, L., Scholte, J.A., Tallberg, J., "Institutional sources of legitimacy for international organisations: Beyond procedure versus performance", Review of International Studies, 45:4 (2019), 627-646.
Gustafsson, M.-T., Scurrah, M. "Unpacking the extractivitst state: The role of weak state agencies in promoting institutional change in Peru", Extractive Industries and Society, 6 (2019), pp. 206-214.
Gustafsson, M.-T., Scurrah, M. "Strengthening Subnational Institutions for Sustainable Development in Resource-Rich States: Decentralized Land-Use Planning in Peru", World Development, 119 (2019), pp. 133-144.
Hurlbert, M., J. Krishnaswamy, E. Davin, F.X. Johnson, C.F. Mena, J. Morton, S. Myeong, D. Viner, K. Warner, A. Wreford, S. Zakieldeen, Z. Zommers, 2019: Risk Management and Decision making in Relation to Sustainable Development. In: Climate Change and Land: an IPCC special report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems [P.R. Shukla, et al. (eds.)]. In press.
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