Human security will be increasingly affected as the climate changes. Yet, inadequate political compromise at domestic and global levels often leads to failure in helping individuals and communities adapt to the adverse effects of climate change. A popular solution to meet climate policy goals is integrated governance, i.e. inclusion of climate risks into other policy areas, such as conflict or health, across domestic and global levels. The importance of integrated approaches is also highlighted in relation to the implementation of the SDGs.
We define integrated governance as attempts to link policy sectors on two dimensions: institutional (procedural) and policy (substantive) change, observable in e.g. funding schemes, programs, and institutional collaborations. See also Dellmuth et al. 2018 in WIREs Climate Change 2018, e496.
This project will examine the 'glocalization' of climate change adaptation through which global programs impact domestic adaptation to climate change. It will address the questions of how, when and why integrated governance of climate risks at the global level promotes legitimate and just climate change adaptation in the global south. Legitimacy and justice are two central standards we use to evaluate local, national, and international political institutions and their governance responses to climate risks.
Glocalizing Climate Governance - Brochure
Project description (427 Kb)