“International Challenges in an Age of Nationalism”

June 12-13, 2017, Stockholm University, Aula Magna Conference Centre (Room: Kungstenen)

A surge of nationalism is convulsing the international community at the same time that transboundary challenges like climate change, migration, terrorism, and asymmetric warfare are rising in severity. To what extent is the existing international order capable of withstanding these twin challenges? What new initiatives are needed to renew legitimacy and improve effectiveness? These questions are moving to the center of internationally-oriented research, as well as shining new light on traditional research agendas. This workshop will draw together PhD students working broadly within the area of international studies to share research, stimulate new thinking, and enhance collaboration. All topics are welcome, with special emphasis placed on three sub-themes: security cooperation, globalization and migration, and gendered approaches to international cooperation. Please contact Professor Mark Rhinard mark.rhinard@ekohist.su.se for more information.