The Department of Law at Stockholm University is presently the nation's largest, and has between 3500 and 4000 students. More than a hundred full-time teachers are dedicated to education and research. The department has 30 professors in different fields, such as jurisprudence, private law, fiscal law, international law, environmental law, public law and criminal law.
The department is involved in research collaboration with many foreign universities in different areas of law, from international law to law and informatics and private law, and it has student and teacher exchange agreements with 74 partners at various universities around the world. The newly established Stockholm Center for International Law and Justice has broad contacts with other institutions in international law and an international advisory board. Other relevant centers include the Institute for European Law, the Stockholm Environmental Law and Policy Centre and Stockholm Commercial Law Centre. Research in international and transnational legal matters covers many fields, such as international law, EU law, jurisprudence and private law.
One of the profiles in public international law is the law of the sea and international environmental law, including topics like the exploitation of marine resources, maritime boundaries and jurisdiction, climate change, international trade and international investments and environmental law, transboundary submarine pipelines and access to justice and democracy in environmental matters. Two other important and related fields are international criminal law (evidence in international criminal procedure, individual responsibility) and transitional justice (transitional justice in peace agreements). The department also has a traditional focus on the regulation of the use of force, including current projects on non-state actors, on the powers of the UN Security Council and on rules of engagement in military operations. There is also a strong interest in human rights issues, including a project on women’s rights in the European and Inter-American conventions and another one on Islam and human rights.
In the field of jurisprudence, the emergence of a transnational legal system of corporate governance from a legal theoretical perspective is being analyzed in two different projects. Within EU law, there are a number of ongoing projects on, i.a., the influence of Europeanization and globalization on national law (“legal transplants", etc), the movement of capital, social security, copyright, etc. Other relevant fields are private international law, international intellectual property law (patents, trademarks, etc.), international arbitration and international commercial law.